You are here:Home»Places to go»Rural»Nature Trails»Fragma (Dam) Prodromou - Stavroulia (Linear) - Lemesos (Limassol) / Lefkosia (Nicosia) Districts, Troodos Forest Nature Trail


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Fragma (Dam) Prodromou - Stavroulia (Linear) - Lemesos (Limassol) / Lefkosia (Nicosia) Districts, Troodos Forest Nature Trail

Fragma (Dam) Prodromou - Stavroulia (Linear) - Lemesos (Limassol) / Lefkosia (Nicosia) Districts, Troodos Forest Nature Trail
Fragma (Dam) Prodromou - Stavroulia (Linear) - Lemesos (Limassol) / Lefkosia (Nicosia) Districts, Troodos Forest Nature Trail
GPS coordinates of the starting point: Lat: 34.947845 Lon: 32.847256
GPS coordinates of the ending point: Lat: 34.971462 Lon: 32.862341
Altitude of the starting point: 1,592m
Altitude of the highest peak: 1,592m
Altitude of the end peak: 1,262m
Starting point: Troodos Square ­ Prodromos main road, a little bit above the Prodromos dam, at an 8km distance from Troodos Square and a 3km distance from Prodromos. There are two options for the finishing point, both on the Prodromos - Agios Nikolaos road.
Length: (a) 4.5km / (b) 5.5km
Estimated duration: 1.5 - 2 hours
Difficulty rate: 3 (very sudden downhill)


Points of interest: The trail offers a wonderful view of Morfou Bay and the Troodos mountain range, and a panoramic view of the abandoned chrome mining tunnels. The trail passes through an incredibly dense black pine forest and is located within the Troodos National Forest Park. On the west side of the dam there is a picnic site ‘Fragma Prodromou’ and the ‘Marathos’ picnic site is found on the Agios Nikolaos ­ - Prodromos road.

Flora: While hiking you can study the endemic plants: Troodos catmint (Nepeta troodi), Cyprus germander (Teucrium cyprium subsp. cyprium), Troodos Alison (Alyssum troodi).

Fauna: The main species of fauna found in the area are:

Mammals: Fox, hare, hedgehog.

Birds: Bonelli’s eagle, Eurasian jay, Wood pigeon, partridge, Cyprus warbler  (Εndemic), Cyprus wheatear (Εndemic).

Reptiles: Cyprus viper, Cyprus snake (endemic).

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